I have noticed an increasing number of messages announcing a useful dataset. The point of this page is to aggregate links to those datasets along with the descriptions provided. I have also included a number of other known data sources.
1. Fiscal Policy Space http://www.srl.uic.edu/fiscalpolicyspace/index.php
Through the Fiscal Policy Space project, supported by the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, data from 1992 to 2012 collected for over 600 variables, including governmental funds data, TELs, policy actions, and much more for 100 cities in the nation’s largest metropolitan areas are now publically accessible and downloaded via website. The data sources include the Census Bureau, Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports, state statutes, city ordinances, Newsbank-Access World News, and other data. The website allows the user to download data from an easy to use drop-down menu from the 'Data' page selecting (1) the year or years of data, between 1992 and 2012, (2) the city or cities of interest and (3) variables for analysis. The website also includes a data collection methodology report and a codebook to locate the variable names. The user can download the selected variables by city and year as a PDF or a spreadsheet.
Source: Michael A. Pagano, Dean of the College of Urban Planning and Public Affairs, University of Illinois at Chicago ([email protected] )and Christopher W. Hoene, PhD, Executive Director, California Budget & Policy Center ([email protected] )
2. Data and Fiscal Scores for Large US Cities http://fiscal.municipalfinance.org
To promote the concept of fiscal scoring we have launched a web site that contains selected CAFR data for 113 of the 116 US cities with population greater than 200,000. As a convenience, we also provide links to the CAFRs themseleves. An article summarizing key findings is here: http://www.thefiscaltimes.com/2017/01/09/EXCLUSIVE-Chicago-New-York-Worst-Financial-Shape-Among-Large-US-Cities A working paper motivating the project and describing the scoring methodology is here: https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2858674
Source: Marc Joffe [email protected]
3. The Government Finance Database: A Common Resource for Quantitative Research in Public Financial Analysis http://www.willamette.edu/mba/research_impact/public_datasets/
Quantitative public financial management research focused on local governments is limited by the absence of a common database for empirical analysis. While the U.S. Census Bureau distributes government finance data that some scholars have utilized, the arduous process of collecting, interpreting, and organizing the data has led its adoption to be prohibitive and inconsistent. In this article we offer a single, coherent resource that contains all of the government financial data from 1967-2012, uses easy to understand natural-language variable names, and will be extended when new data is available.
Source: PLOS ONE: The Government Finance Database: A Common Resource for Quantitative Research in Public Financial Analysis
(Data may also be available with this link)
4. "2015 CAFRs and Fiscal Scores for 500 California Cities and Counties"
The study includes a linked Google Sheet, which, in turn, includes links to the CAFRs:
I hope members of the ABFM community find this useful and I welcome your comments.
Source: Marc Joffe [email protected]
5. "Access to 2000 recent CAFRS"
In 2017, researchers and interested citizens should not have to hunt around for audited financial statements (CAFRs) published by US local governments. So, I am creating a free repository of state and local government CAFRs obtained from previous data collection projects. Thus far, the repository contains 2000 CAFRs from governments around the country, with a heavy emphasis on California. The CAFRs can be found here:
Last year, the Census Bureau began providing audited financial statements in their Federal Audit Clearinghouse. Unfortunately, downloading these documents and assigning them meaningful names is a challenge, but I have some open source software that does it. Please see:
About 400 of the 2000 CAFRs I placed online are downloaded from the Federal Audit Clearinghouse. The clearinghouse also has over 10,000 audits for school districts, special districts and not-for-profits that I also plan to include in other web-accessible folders.
I hope to work with civic-minded developers to enhance the download tool and the repository on Open Data Day – March 4th. Please contact me at [email protected] if you are interested in supporting this project. Meanwhile, I hope you find this new resource helpful.
Source: Marc Joffe Center for Municipal Finance / Public Sector Credit Solutions, [email protected]
6. Upjohn panel data on incentives and taxes
See the website for description
Source: A Facebook post.
7. Electronic Municipal Market Access
Source: A Facebook post.
8. USA Facts
Source: A Facebook post AND a NY Times article at http://tinyurl.com/lr4c9hl
9. Federal Payroll Data
Partial description: "Today, BuzzFeed News is sharing an enormous dataset — one that sheds light on four decades of the United States’ federal payroll."
For complete description https://t.co/udJz1VA83E
Source: A Facebook post and description link above
10. This is not exactly data, but it is work including: E-Government Reference Library
Description (from the site) "[R]eferences of predominantly English-language, peer-reviewed work in the study domains of electronic government, electronic governance, and electronic democracy."
Source: Hans Jochen Scholl, [email protected] via the ipmn listserv.
11. The Rockefeller Institute of Government has a blog post that links to numerous open data sites
Source: Email form the Rockefeller Institute
12. FHA House Price Index
Source: A Facebook post
13. Lincoln Institute Land Prices by State
Source: Google search for the FHA site above
14. List of active participatory budgeting locations
Source: Referred to me by a librarian
15. Comprehensive list of Open Data Portals
Source: Google search
16. A Census State and Local Government Snapshot
Description from the website: Use this tool to explore aggregated Revenue, Expenditure and Employment data for State and Local Governments. Customize the view by using the drop-down menus, and selectable category buttons. Receive additional information by hovering over each data element. Please note, all Revenue and Expenditure data are annual while Employment data have been annualized from each year’s March statistics. Dollar amounts are displayed in whole dollars.
Source: Private email
17. Papers in Public Finance
From the owner: "Papers in Public Finance." The primary purpose is to raise the visibility of working papers and recent publications in public finance, particularly among scholars in the ABFM and NTA communities, as well as research that would be of interest to them. If it succeeds in getting followed for its aggregation properties, my hope is that it would particularly succeed in highlighting students who are on the job market. So, share this post, inform interested colleagues, send me your (and your students) recent publications or working papers, and subscribe to get the latest updates from peers doing exciting work in the field.
Source: Facebook post
18. A collection of links to public sector data
I didn't see a description.
Source: Facebook post
Below are links to more generalized sources
New York City and New York State Data
1. Fiscal Policy Space http://www.srl.uic.edu/fiscalpolicyspace/index.php
Through the Fiscal Policy Space project, supported by the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, data from 1992 to 2012 collected for over 600 variables, including governmental funds data, TELs, policy actions, and much more for 100 cities in the nation’s largest metropolitan areas are now publically accessible and downloaded via website. The data sources include the Census Bureau, Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports, state statutes, city ordinances, Newsbank-Access World News, and other data. The website allows the user to download data from an easy to use drop-down menu from the 'Data' page selecting (1) the year or years of data, between 1992 and 2012, (2) the city or cities of interest and (3) variables for analysis. The website also includes a data collection methodology report and a codebook to locate the variable names. The user can download the selected variables by city and year as a PDF or a spreadsheet.
Source: Michael A. Pagano, Dean of the College of Urban Planning and Public Affairs, University of Illinois at Chicago ([email protected] )and Christopher W. Hoene, PhD, Executive Director, California Budget & Policy Center ([email protected] )
2. Data and Fiscal Scores for Large US Cities http://fiscal.municipalfinance.org
To promote the concept of fiscal scoring we have launched a web site that contains selected CAFR data for 113 of the 116 US cities with population greater than 200,000. As a convenience, we also provide links to the CAFRs themseleves. An article summarizing key findings is here: http://www.thefiscaltimes.com/2017/01/09/EXCLUSIVE-Chicago-New-York-Worst-Financial-Shape-Among-Large-US-Cities A working paper motivating the project and describing the scoring methodology is here: https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2858674
Source: Marc Joffe [email protected]
3. The Government Finance Database: A Common Resource for Quantitative Research in Public Financial Analysis http://www.willamette.edu/mba/research_impact/public_datasets/
Quantitative public financial management research focused on local governments is limited by the absence of a common database for empirical analysis. While the U.S. Census Bureau distributes government finance data that some scholars have utilized, the arduous process of collecting, interpreting, and organizing the data has led its adoption to be prohibitive and inconsistent. In this article we offer a single, coherent resource that contains all of the government financial data from 1967-2012, uses easy to understand natural-language variable names, and will be extended when new data is available.
Source: PLOS ONE: The Government Finance Database: A Common Resource for Quantitative Research in Public Financial Analysis
(Data may also be available with this link)
4. "2015 CAFRs and Fiscal Scores for 500 California Cities and Counties"
The study includes a linked Google Sheet, which, in turn, includes links to the CAFRs:
I hope members of the ABFM community find this useful and I welcome your comments.
Source: Marc Joffe [email protected]
5. "Access to 2000 recent CAFRS"
In 2017, researchers and interested citizens should not have to hunt around for audited financial statements (CAFRs) published by US local governments. So, I am creating a free repository of state and local government CAFRs obtained from previous data collection projects. Thus far, the repository contains 2000 CAFRs from governments around the country, with a heavy emphasis on California. The CAFRs can be found here:
Last year, the Census Bureau began providing audited financial statements in their Federal Audit Clearinghouse. Unfortunately, downloading these documents and assigning them meaningful names is a challenge, but I have some open source software that does it. Please see:
About 400 of the 2000 CAFRs I placed online are downloaded from the Federal Audit Clearinghouse. The clearinghouse also has over 10,000 audits for school districts, special districts and not-for-profits that I also plan to include in other web-accessible folders.
I hope to work with civic-minded developers to enhance the download tool and the repository on Open Data Day – March 4th. Please contact me at [email protected] if you are interested in supporting this project. Meanwhile, I hope you find this new resource helpful.
Source: Marc Joffe Center for Municipal Finance / Public Sector Credit Solutions, [email protected]
6. Upjohn panel data on incentives and taxes
See the website for description
Source: A Facebook post.
7. Electronic Municipal Market Access
Source: A Facebook post.
8. USA Facts
Source: A Facebook post AND a NY Times article at http://tinyurl.com/lr4c9hl
9. Federal Payroll Data
Partial description: "Today, BuzzFeed News is sharing an enormous dataset — one that sheds light on four decades of the United States’ federal payroll."
For complete description https://t.co/udJz1VA83E
Source: A Facebook post and description link above
10. This is not exactly data, but it is work including: E-Government Reference Library
Description (from the site) "[R]eferences of predominantly English-language, peer-reviewed work in the study domains of electronic government, electronic governance, and electronic democracy."
Source: Hans Jochen Scholl, [email protected] via the ipmn listserv.
11. The Rockefeller Institute of Government has a blog post that links to numerous open data sites
Source: Email form the Rockefeller Institute
12. FHA House Price Index
Source: A Facebook post
13. Lincoln Institute Land Prices by State
Source: Google search for the FHA site above
14. List of active participatory budgeting locations
Source: Referred to me by a librarian
15. Comprehensive list of Open Data Portals
Source: Google search
16. A Census State and Local Government Snapshot
Description from the website: Use this tool to explore aggregated Revenue, Expenditure and Employment data for State and Local Governments. Customize the view by using the drop-down menus, and selectable category buttons. Receive additional information by hovering over each data element. Please note, all Revenue and Expenditure data are annual while Employment data have been annualized from each year’s March statistics. Dollar amounts are displayed in whole dollars.
Source: Private email
17. Papers in Public Finance
From the owner: "Papers in Public Finance." The primary purpose is to raise the visibility of working papers and recent publications in public finance, particularly among scholars in the ABFM and NTA communities, as well as research that would be of interest to them. If it succeeds in getting followed for its aggregation properties, my hope is that it would particularly succeed in highlighting students who are on the job market. So, share this post, inform interested colleagues, send me your (and your students) recent publications or working papers, and subscribe to get the latest updates from peers doing exciting work in the field.
Source: Facebook post
18. A collection of links to public sector data
I didn't see a description.
Source: Facebook post
Below are links to more generalized sources
- Federal Reserve Economic Data https://fred.stlouisfed.org/
- Center for Municipal Finance | A nonprofit organization dedicated to increasing the transparency and efficiency of government bond markets
- Public management and the state | The GOVERNANCE blog
- Public Administration Research Commons | Encouraging research collaboration
- http://www.census.gov/data/data-tools.html
- Business Data and Statistics | USA.gov
- http://www.oecd.org/gov/budgeting/seniorbudgetofficialsnetworkonperformanceandresults.htm
- State and Local Finance at the Rockefeller Institute
- PUBLICAGENDA.ORG - Public Spending, by the People (Participatory Budgeting)
- http://www.lincolninst.edu/research-data One correspondent controverts the usefulness of these data
New York City and New York State Data
- Search & Browse | State of New York | Open Data
- Search & Browse | NYC Open Data
- Budget Navigator | CBC
- Open Data NYC
- NYC Capital Funding Discretionary Grants http://council.nyc.gov/html/budget/capital_funding.shtml
- NYC Expense Funding Discretionary Grants http://council.nyc.gov/html/budget/database.shtml
- New York City Council Legislative Database http://legistar.council.nyc.gov/Legislation.aspx
- The Citizen's Budget Committee of New York's Budget Navigator https://cbcny.org/research/budget-navigator
- "Checkbook NYC" http://checkbooknyc.com/spending_landing/yeartype/B/year/118
- New York City's CAFR https://comptroller.nyc.gov/reports/comprehensive-annual-financial-reports/